just recently today i finished my website and i thaught it would be a good idea to get some people to go to my site and test it for bugs and even tho there were some i had no idea the server was going to be flooded with 10000+ spam accounts.
thanks to those fuckholes the site will not be running untill the weekend or even later
to all those who wanted the new site up i'm sorry but those fuckholes ruined it for you
those fuckholes may post here and i do not give a fuck if they do i just want them to leave it alone
basically while i try and fix the registrations i will get the rest of the site up to so there will be a bonus
the site is there but you cant do anything on it (hence why the redirection is there) to keep it safe
i and the host are pretty fucking pissed off that this happened and it WILL not happen AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
You should put the angry face on your post.
hmm i should